Oracle Database Architecture Overview

What is Oracle Database?

An Oracle database is a relational database management system (RDBMS) developed and marketed by Oracle Corporation. It's one of the most widely used database management systems in the world, known for its robustness, scalability, and performance.

Oracle databases are used to store and manage large volumes of data efficiently, offering features such as data integrity, security, and SQL support. They are commonly used in enterprise environments for various applications including online transaction processing (OLTP), data warehousing, and business intelligence.

Oracle databases employ a client-server architecture, where multiple clients can connect to a central database server to access and manipulate data. They also support features like high availability, data replication, and backup and recovery mechanisms to ensure data reliability and availability.

Lets look at some of the core components in the Oracle architecture, starting with instance and database.

 An Oracle Database is combination of a database and at least one instance. 

Instance: An instance, on the other hand, refers to the set of memory structures and background processes that constitute the Oracle software running on a server. When an Oracle database is started, Oracle creates an instance. The instance is responsible for managing the database's operations, including memory allocation, process management, and communication with client applications. It also provides a runtime environment for executing SQL statements and transactions. Each instance is associated with one and only one database, but multiple instances can access the same database in a clustered or distributed environment.


A fundamental difference is that a database may be mounted and opened by numerous instances through Real Application Clusters (RAC), while an instance may mount and open only one database (one set of files) at any point in time.

 The core distinctions between a database instance and an entire running database include:

  • An instance is shared memory and a set of background processes. In contrast, a database is a stored collection of data.
  • An instance can only mount and open one database, ever. In contrast, a database may be mounted and opened by one or multiple instances using RAC.


Let’s look in to Oracle Instance Architecture


The Oracle instance architecture is a key component of the Oracle Database system, responsible for managing the database's operations and providing a runtime environment for executing SQL statements and transactions. It consists of several key elements:


Memory Structure: The instance allocates memory for various structures to manage database operations efficiently.


The main three components of an instance include:

1.     System Global Area (SGA): a group of shared memory structures (available to all processes) that contain data and control information for one database instance. SGA are allocated when the instance starts up and released when it shuts down.

2.     Program Global Area (PGA): a private memory area (available to specific processes) allocated to each session when the session starts and released when the session ends.

3.     Background Processes: manage memory structures, one by one receiving and sending information (also known as performing input/output (I/O)) to write data to a file on a disk. They also perform general maintenance tasks and monitor other Oracle Database processes to provide increased correspondence for more reliable performance.


System Global Area (SGA): The SGA is a shared memory region that holds data and control information for the database instance. It includes components such as the database buffer cache (used for caching data blocks read from disk), the shared pool (used for caching SQL statements, PL/SQL code, and data dictionary information), and the redo log buffer (used for storing redo log entries before they are written to the redo log files).


The SGA is responsible for:

  • Caching data blocks read from a disk.
  • Managing internal data structures that are accessed by multiple processes and threads simultaneously.
  • Storing SQL implementation plans.
  • Buffering and writing redo data to the online redo log files.


The Oracle processes share the SGA, including server processes and background processes running on a single computer. How Oracle processes are associated with the SGA varies according to the operating system used.

A database instance includes multiple processes (background processes, server processes, and process memory). Even when the server processes cease, the instance will continue to function.



Program Global Area (PGA): The PGA is a memory region allocated for each database session and contains data and control information specific to that session, such as sort areas, session variables, and private SQL areas.


The PGA is:

  • Responsible for processing SQL statements and holding logon and other session data.
  • Dedicated to SQL “work areas.” Work areas are active memory areas for sorts and other SQL operations.


The sum of PGA memory distributed to all background and server processes in a database instance is called the total instance PGA memory. The collection of all individual PGAs is called the total instance PGA or instance PGA.


Background Processes:

The Oracle instance is supported by several background processes that perform various tasks to manage the database. These processes include:


PMON (Process Monitor): PMON performs process recovery when a user process fails and releases resources held by the failed process.


SMON (System Monitor): SMON performs instance recovery in case of instance failure and cleans up temporary segments that are no longer in use.


DBWn (Database Writer): DBWn processes write modified database buffers to the data files on disk.


LGWR (Log Writer): LGWR writes redo log entries to the redo log files on disk to ensure data integrity and recovery in the event of instance failure.


The LGWR is the key to the recoverability architecture. It writes and logs every change that occurs in the database out to a file called “redo log” for recovery purposes. The LGWR process starts with writing changes to the memory and then to the disk as “redo logs” that can be used for recovery.


CKPT (Checkpoint): CKPT signals the DBWn process to write checkpoint information to the data files and control file, indicating the most recent changes that have been flushed to disk.


ARCH (Archiver): ARCH processes copy redo log files to archival storage once they are no longer needed for recovery.


LCKn (Lock Processes): LCKn processes manage locks acquired by database transactions to control concurrent access to data.


Manageability Monitor Process (MMON): The MMON gathers performance metrics.


Memory Manager (MMAN): The MMAN automatically controls memory inside a database.

Listener Registration Process (LREG): The LREG registers information on the database instance and dispatcher processes with the Oracle Net Listener.



Let’s Look into Oracle Database Architecture


Database: A database is a structured collection of data stored in a computer system. It's organized in a way that makes it easy to access, manage, and update. In the context of Oracle, a database typically refers to the physical files on disk that store data, such as tables, indexes, and other database objects. These files are managed by the Oracle Database Management System (DBMS). A database in Oracle usually has a unique name, such as "SalesDB" or "HRDB".


One of the essential tasks of a database is to store data. There are two Main ways the database stores, and that is through a physical and logical storage structure.


Physical Storage Structures

The physical storage structures are simply files that store data. When you execute a [CREATE DATABASE] statement to create a new database, Oracle creates three files:

  • Data files: contain real data (sales orders and customer data). The data of logical database structures such as tables and indexes are physically stored in the data files.
  • Control files contain metadata describing the physical structure (database name and locations of data files). Every database will have a control file.
  • Online redo log files: consists of two or more online redo log files. An online redo log is made up of redo entries that record all changes made to the data. Every database will have an online redo log.

A database includes multiple other vital files as well, such as parameter files, network files, backup files, and archived redo log files that assist with backup and recovery.



Logical Storage Structures

Oracle Database uses a logical storage structure for fine-grained control of disk space usage. The four logical storage structures in a database are:

  • Data blocks: where Oracle stores data. Also known as logical blocks, Oracle blocks, or pages.
  • Extents: a specific number of logically contiguous data blocks used to store a particular type of information.
  • Segments: a set of extents allocated for storing database objects (a table or an index).
  • Tablespaces: a logical container for a segment. Each tablespace consists of at least one data file.


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